What is a Maker?

A Maker is someone who has an idea, a vision, or a project that they intend to create on their own using skills and resources that they may or may not already have, but wish to acquire in order to bring their idea to life. This can be something as simple as learning how to cut a paper snowflake to as complex as an interactive, computer controlled art installation using custom fabricated parts, unique mixed audio, individually addressable LED lights and built on a motorized base so that it can be driven. A maker can be anybody with an idea and the ability and means to make that idea come to life. It can be a teacher or student, a grandparent or grandchild, a master computer programmer or a person who has never glued two pieces of wood together before in their lives. A Maker can be YOU.

What is IE Makers?

IE Makers is a resource for those of us who have an idea and want to see what it would take to make it a reality. The IE stands for Inland Empire – a suburb of Los Angeles that generally is composed of two large counties – Riverside and San Bernardino. While a lot of attention is paid to the big city of LA, we are here to help gather together and showcase resources of a more local nature to prove that you don’t have to drive to a major city in order to be a maker. We have tons of great resources right here!

What is Here?

We are building this site to help makers in the IE find resources to help them complete their projects. We are advocates of the maker movement, lifelong learning, and STEAM education. We are building a site to try to document local, and some not so local resources to help IE Makers of all ages and abilities find the tools they need to develop their project ideas. Everything from which library has a 3D printer I can use, to where can I buy a Raspberry Pi today, to who can lend me an internet hotspot and laptop computer so I can create a design to carve out of wood. Resource Directory – This will have a listing of sites where you can find Maker related items for purchase or free to use in and around the IE. IE Makers Wiki – This will serve as a knowledge base for learning about coding, to finding lesson plans for your students, to listing cool projects you may want to try, to finding links to online stores and video lessons.

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