Corona Public Library - Maker Exchange

Corona Public Library - Maker Exchange Corona Public Library - Maker Exchange Corona Public Library - Maker Exchange

The city of Corona has a Makerspace in the library called the Maker Exchange. The Maker Exchange room has limited hours, so please call ahead to find out what their availability is like. As of this writing, they are only open one day a week in the afternoons.

The Makerspace Area is located in the children’s section, in the far left corner as you enter. It is two joined rooms with one room that contains the 3D printers and Shilouette machines and related materials, and a joining room that is set up to be used as an activity space, classroom, or demonstration area with tables that you can work at and a large TV on the wall for presentations. Examples of some of the work they can do are found on a unique set of shelves in the teaching side of the space. The space is kept tidy, which hides some of the items that they have available for use – such as Harry Potter Coding Wands, Scratch programming cards, electronic kits to learn basic electronics, Art supplies, a yeti microphone for recording your own voice or music, a green screen, and games to help learn STEAM related topics.

Unique to this site: Chromebook and Wifi Hotspot checkouts so that anybody who needs a computer and may be lacking internet access can check out the computer and wifi to have access at home for up to two weeks to work on projects. They also have a number of online video based maker projects. Plus two ukulele’s and painting supplies for trying your hand at the arts.

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