Mount San Antonio College - Mountie MakerSpace

Mount San Antonio College - Mountie MakerSpace

Our Mission
The MakerSpace drives student success and innovations by creating an environment where everyone can collaborate about the creation of both tangible items and entrepreneurial ideas. We serve as a hub for project-based learning across instructional areas by providing the tools, mentors, and space to complete practical and artistic projects that build and emphasize the skills required for employment. The MakerSpace provides standard and 21st century tools, and guidance in their use, available to all Mt. SAC students.

The underlying culture of MakerSpaces is one of collaboration, sharing, and additive innovation. Sharing one’s work with others creates an open community and collaborative culture in which students are excited to assist one another and willingly exchange design knowledge. The diversity of users creates opportunities to work with and learn from others who have unique experiences and skills.

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